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During my time at the University of Michigan's Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design, I discovered my passion for printmaking. While I experimented with intaglio, screen printing, lithography, and mono printing, reduction printmaking  emerged as the process I most enjoyed. 


While most of my creative work is digital, working with my hands to carve and print is a meditative practice for me. Throughout the past two years, I've returned to the medium in my personal time. Thankfully, Colorado provides no shortage of inspiration. 


The first print, featuring two crows in front of a mountain landscape, Luck, is based on a sketch of the view from the marina in Frisco, Colorado. The idea for the second print came to me after a warm September evening at Denver's Botanic Gardens, during which I was lucky enough to spot a family of rabbits in addition to the gorgeous plant life. My process for each of these included several sketches, the final of which I transferred to a linoleum blocks using graphite transfer paper. I then carved out the negative space to create a large stamp, and printed on mulberry paper. 


The third print was less structured in process, and was the result of a single sketch drawn directly onto the linoleum block. I thoroughly enjoyed both approaches and hope to continue to bring this medium back into my life.


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